Monday, September 30, 2019

Business Model Product Statement Health And Social Care Essay

The respiratory system consists of the respiratory musculuss, carry oning air passages, lungs, pneumonic vasculature, and environing tissues and constructions ( Fig. 1 ) . Each plays an of import function in act uponing respiratory responses. Figure 1. Respiratory Anatomy ( 1 )LungsThere are two lungs in the human thorax ; the right lung is composed of three uncomplete divisions called lobes, and the left lung has two, go forthing room for the bosom. The right lung histories for 55 % of entire gas volume and the left lung for 45 % . Lung tissue is squashy due to really little ( 200 to 300 – 10-6 m diameter in normal lungs at remainder ) gas-filled pits called air sac, which are the ultimate constructions for gas exchange. There are 250 million to 350 million air sac in the grownup lung, with a entire alveolar surface country of 50 to 100 M2s depending on the grade of lung rising prices ( 2 ) .Conducting Air passagesAir is transported from the ambiance to the air sac get downing with the unwritten and rhinal pits, through the throat ( in the pharynx ) , past the glottal gap, and into the windpipe or trachea. Conduction of air Begins at the voice box, or voice box, at the entryway to the windpipe, which is a fibromus cular tubing 10 to 12 centimeter in length and 1.4 to 2.0 centimeter in diameter. At a location called the Carina, the windpipe terminates and divides into the left and right bronchial tube. Each bronchial tube has a discontinuous cartilaginous support in its wall. Muscle fibres capable of commanding air passage diameter are incorporated into the walls of the bronchial tube, every bit good as in those of air transitions closer to the air sac. Smooth musculus is present throughout the respiratory bronchiolus and alveolar canals but is absent in the last alveolar canal, which terminates in one to several air sacs. The alveolar walls are shared by other air sacs and are composed of extremely fictile and collapsable squamous epithelial tissue cells. The bronchial tube subdivide into subbronchi, which farther subdivide into bronchioli, which further subdivide, and so on, until eventually making the alveolar degree. Each air passage is considered to ramify into two subairways. In the grownup homo there are considered to be 23 such ramifications, or coevalss, get downing at the windpipe and stoping in the air sac. Motion of gases in the respiratory airways occurs chiefly by majority flow ( convection ) throughout the part from the oral cavity to the olfactory organ to the 15th coevals. Beyond the 15th coevals, gas diffusion is comparatively more of import. With the low gas speeds that occur in diffusion, dimensions of the infinite over which diffusion occurs ( alveolar infinite ) must be little for equal O bringing into the walls ; smaller air sac are more efficient in the transportation of gas than are larger 1s ( 2 ) .AlveolussAlveoluss are the constructions through which gases diffuse to and from the organic structure. To guaran tee gas exchange occurs expeditiously, alveolar walls are highly thin. For illustration, the entire tissue thickness between the interior of the air sac to pneumonic capillary blood plasma is merely approximately 0.4 – 10-6 m. Consequently, the chief barrier to diffusion occurs at the plasma and ruddy blood cell degree, non at the alveolar membrane ( 2 ) .Motion of Air In and Out of the Lungs and the Pressures That Cause the MotionPleural PressureIs the force per unit area of the fluid in the thin infinite between the lung pleura and the chest wall pleura.Alveolar force per unit areaIs the force per unit area of the air inside the lung air sac. To do inward flow of air into the air sac during inspiration, the force per unit area in the air sac must fall to a value somewhat below atmospheric force per unit area.Transpulmonary force per unit areaIt is the force per unit area difference between that in the air sac and that on the outer surfaces of the lungs, and it is a step of the elastic forces in the lungs that tend to fall in the lungs at each blink of an eye of espiration, called the kick force per unit area.Conformity of the LungsThe extent to which the lungs will spread out for each unit addition in transpulmonary force per unit area ( if adequate clip is allowed to make equilibrium ) is called the lung conformity. The entire conformity of both lungs together in the normal grownup human being norms about 200 millilitres of air per centimetre of H2O transpulmonary force per unit area ( 3 ) . Figure 2. Conformity diagram of lungs in a healthy individual ( 3 ) .Pathophysiology of Weaning FailureReversible aetiologies for ablactating failure can be categorized in: Respiratory burden, cardiac burden, neuromuscular competency, critical unwellness neuromuscular abnormalcies ( CIMMA ) , neuropsychological factors, and metabolic and endocrinal upsets.Respiratory burdenThe determination to try discontinuance of mechanical airing has mostly been based on the clinician ‘s appraisal that the patient is haemodynamically stable, wake up, the disease procedure has been treated adequately and that indices of minimum ventilator dependence are present. The success of ablactating will be dependent on the ability of the respiratory musculus pump to digest the burden placed upon it. This respiratory burden is a map of the opposition and conformity of the ventilator pump. Excess work of take a breathing ( WOB ) may be imposed by inappropriate ventilator scenes ensuing in ventilator dysynchrony ( 4 ) . Reduced pneumonic conformity may be secondary to pneumonia, cardiogenic or noncardiogenic pneumonic hydrops, pneumonic fibrosis, pneumonic bleeding or other diseases doing diffuse pneumonic infiltrates ( 5 ) .Cardiac burdenMany patients have identified ischemic bosom disease, valvular bosom disease, systolic or diastolic disfunction prior to, or identified during, their critical unwellness. More elusive and less easy recognized are those patients with myocardial disfunction, which is merely evident when exposed to the work load of ablactating ( 5 ) .Neuromuscular competencyLiberation from mechanical airing requires the recommencement of neuromuscular activity to get the better of the electric resistance of the respiratory system, to run into metabolic demands and to keep C dioxide homeostasis. This requires an equal signal coevals in the cardinal nervous system, integral transmittal to spinal respiratory motor nerve cells, respiratory musculuss and neuromuscular junctions. Disruption of any part of this transmittal may lend to ablactating failure ( 5 ) .Critical unwellness neuromuscular abnormalciesCINMA are the most common peripheral neuromuscular upsets encountered in the ICU scene and normally affect both musculus and nervus ( 6 ) .Psychological disfunctionCraze, or acute encephalon disfunction: Is a perturbation of the degree of knowledge and rousing and, in ICU patients, has been associated with many modifiable hazard factors, including: usage of psychotropic drugs ; untreated hurting ; drawn-out immobilization ; hypoxaemia ; anemia ; sepsis ; and kip want ( 7 ) . Anxiety and depression: Many patients suffer important anxiousness during their ICU stay and the procedure of ablactating from mechanical airing. These memories of hurt may stay for old ages ( 8 ) .Metabolic perturbationsHypophosphataemia, hypomagnesaemia and hypokalaemia all cause musculus failing. Hypothyroidism and Addison's disease may besides lend to difficulty ablactating ( 5 ) .NutritionCorpulence: The mechanical effects of fleshiness with reduced respiratory conformity, high shutting volume/functional residuary capacity ratio and elevated WOB might be expected to impact on the continuance of mechanical airing ( 5 ) .Ventilator-induced stop disfunction and critical unwellness oxidative emphasisVentilator-induced stop disfunction and critical unwellness oxidative emphasis is defined as loss of diaphragm force-generating capacity that is specifically related to utilize of controlled mechanical airing ( 9 ) .Clinical Presentation of PatientsPatients can be classified into three g roups harmonizing to the trouble and length of the ablactation procedure. The simple ablactation, group 1, includes patients who successfully pass the initial self-generated take a breathing test ( SBT ) and are successfully extubated on the first effort. Group 2, hard ablactation, includes patients who require up to three SBT or every bit long as 7 yearss from the first SBT to accomplish successful ablactation. Group 3, prolonged ablactation, includes patients who require more than three SBT or more than 7 yearss of ablactation after the first SBT ( 5 ) .Clinical Outcomes and EpidemiologyThere is much grounds that ablactating tends to be delayed, exposing the patient to unneeded uncomfortableness and increased hazard of complications ( 5 ) . Time spent in the ablactation procedure represents 40-50 % of the entire continuance of mechanical airing ( 10 ) ( 11 ) . ESTEBAN et Al. ( 10 ) demonstrated that mortality additions with increasing continuance of mechanical airing, in portion because of complications of drawn-out mechanical airing, particularly ventil ator-associated pneumonia and airway injury ( 12 ) . The incidence of unplanned extubation ranges 0.3-16 % . In most instances ( 83 % ) , the unplanned extubation is initiated by the patient, while 17 % are inadvertent. Almost half of patients with self-extubation during the weaning period do non necessitate reintubation, proposing that many patients are maintained on mechanical airing longer than is necessary ( 5 ) . Addition in the extubation hold between readiness twenty-four hours and effectual extubation significantly increases mortality. In the survey by COPLIN et Al. ( 13 ) , mortality was 12 % if there was no hold in extubation and 27 % when extubation was delayed. Failure of extubation is associated with high mortality rate, either by choosing for bad patients or by bring oning hurtful effects such as aspiration, atelectasis and pneumonia ( 5 ) . Rate of ablactating failure after a individual SBT is reported to be 26- 42 % . Variation in the rate of ablactating failure among surveies is due to differences in the definition of ablactating failure. VALLVERDU et Al. ( 14 ) reported that ablactating failure occurred in every bit many as 61 % of COPD patients, in 41 % of neurological patients and in 38 % of hypoxaemic patients. Contradictory consequences exist sing the rate of ablactating success among neurological patients. The survey by COPLIN et Al. ( 13 ) demonstrated that 80 % of patients with a Glasgow coma mark of more than 8 and 91 % of patients with a Glasgow coma mark less than 4 were successfully extubated. In 2,486 patients from six surveies, 524 patients failed SBT and 252 failed extubation after go throughing SBT, taking to a entire w eaning failure rate of 31.2 % ( 5 ) . The huge bulk of patients who fail a SBT do so because of an instability between respiratory musculus capacity and the burden placed on the respiratory system. High air passage opposition and low respiratory system conformity contribute to the increased work of take a breathing necessary to take a breath and can take to unsuccessful release from mechanical airing ( 15 ) .Economic ImpactMechanical airing is largely used in the intensive attention units ( ICU ) of infirmaries. ICUs typically consume more than 20 % of the fiscal resources of a infirmary ( 16 ) . A survey that analyzed the incidence, cost, and payment of the Medicare intensive attention unit usage in the United States ( US ) reveled that mechanical airing costs a amount stopping point to US $ 2,200 per twenty-four hours ( 17 ) . One survey shows that patients in the ICUs having drawn-out mechanical airing represents 6 % of all ventilated patients but consume 37 % of intensive attent ion unit ( ICU ) resources ( 18 ) . Another survey corroborates this Numberss besides demoing that 5 % to 10 % of ICU patients require drawn-out mechanical airing, and this patient group consumes more than or every bit much as 50 % of ICU patient yearss and ICU resources. Prolonged ventilatory support and chronic ventilator dependence, both in the ICU and non-ICU scenes, have a important and turning impact on health care economic sciences ( 19 ) .DrumheadTreatment OptionWeaning FailureOverviewThe procedure of initial ablactating from the ventilator begins with an appraisal sing preparedness for ablactating. It is so followed by SBT as a diagnostic trial to find the possibility of a successful extubation. For the bulk of patients, the full ablactation procedure involves verification that the patient is ready for extubation. Patients who meet the standards in table 2 should be considered as being ready to ablactate from mechanical airing. These standards are cardinal to gauge the like liness of a successful SBT in order to avoid tests in patients with a high chance of failure ( 5 ) . Table 2 Standards for Measuring Readiness to Wean Clinical Appraisal Adequate cough Absence of inordinate tracheobronchial secernment Resolution of disease acute stage for which the patient was intubated Objective measurings Clinical stableness Stable cardiovascular position ( i.e. fC ?140 beats*min-1, systolic BP 90-160 mmHg, no or minimum vasopressors ) Stable metabolic position Adequate oxygenation Sa, O2 & A ; gt ; 90 % on ?FI, O2 0.4 ( or Pa, O2/FI, O2 ?150 mmHg ) PEEP ?8 cmH2O Adequate pneumonic map f ?35 breaths*min-1 PImax ?-20- -25 cmH2O Ve & A ; lt ; 10 l*min-1 P0.1/PImax & A ; lt ; 0.3 VT & A ; gt ; 5 mL*kg-1 VC & A ; gt ; 10 mL*kg-1 f/VT & A ; lt ; 105 breaths*min-1*L-1 CROP & A ; gt ; 13 ml*breaths-1*min-1 No important respiratory acidosis Adequate thinking No sedation or equal thinking on sedation ( or stable neurologic patient ) Taken from ( 5 ) and ( 15 ) . fC: cardiac frequence ; BP: blood force per unit area ; Sa, O2: arterial O impregnation ; FI, O2: inspiratory O fraction ; Pa, O2: arterial O tenseness ; PEEP: positive end-expiratory force per unit area ; degree Fahrenheit: respiratory frequence ; PImax: maximum inspiratory force per unit area ; VT: tidal volume ; VC: critical capacity ; CROP: integrative index of conformity. 1 mmHg=0.133 kPa. Harmonizing to an adept panel, among these standards merely seven variables have some prognostic potency: minute airing ( VE ) , maximal inspiratory force per unit area ( PImax ) , tidal volume ( VT ) , take a breathing frequence ( degree Fahrenheit ) , the ratio of take a breathing frequence to tidal volume ( f/VT ) , P0.1/PImax ( ratio of airway occlusion force per unit area 0.1 s after the oncoming of inspiratory attempt to maximal inspiratory force per unit area ) , and CROP ( integrative index of conformity, rate, oxygenation, and force per unit area ) ( 20 ) .Minute VentilationMinute airing is the entire lung airing per minute, the merchandise of tidal volume and respiration rate ( 21 ) . It is step by measuring the sum of gas expired by the patients lungs. Mathematicly, minute airing can be calculated after this expression: It is reported that a VE less than 10 litres/minute is associated with ablactating success ( 22 ) . Other surveies found that VE values more than 15-20 litres/minute are helpful in placing if a patient is improbable to be liberated from mechanical airing but lower values were non helpful in foretelling successful release ( 15 ) . A more recent survey concluded that short VE recovery times ( 3-4 proceedingss ) after a 2-hour SBT can assist in finding respiratory modesty and predict the success of extubation ( 23 ) . When mechanical airing takes topographic point, this parametric quantity is calculated monitoring flow and force per unit area by the ventilator in usage itself or by an independent device attached to the air passage circulation system such as the Respironics NM3Â ® by Phillips Medical. Other ways to find minute airing are by mensurating the electric resistance across the thoracic pit ( 24 ) . This method though, is invasive and requires deep-rooted electrodes.Maximal Inspiratory PressureMaximal inspiration force per unit area is the maximal force per unit area within the air sac of the lungs that occurs during a full inspiration ( 21 ) . Is it normally used to prove respiratory musculus strength. On patients in the ICU or those non capable to collaborate, the PImax is measured by obstructing the terminal of the endotracheal tubing for a period of clip close to 22 seconds with a one-way valve that merely allows the patient to expire. This constellation leads to increasing inspirator y attempt mensurating PImax towards the terminal of the occlusion period. However PImax is non plenty to foretell faithfully the likelihood of successful ablactating due to low specifity ( 15 ) . The measuring of PImax can be performed by devices equipped with force per unit area detectors.Tidal VolumeTidal volume is the sum of air inhaled and exhaled during normal airing ( 21 ) . Spontaneous tidal volumes greater than 5 ml/kg can foretell ablactating result ( 25 ) . More recent surveies found that a technique that measures the sum of regularity in a series analysing approximative information of tidal volume and external respiration frequence forms is a utile index of reversibility of respiratory failure. A low approximate information that reflects regular tidal volume and respiratory frequence forms is a good index of ablactating success ( 26 ) . Tidal volume can be measured utilizing a pneumotachographic device.Breathing FrequencyThe grade of regularity in the form of the external respiration frequence shown by approximative information instead than the absolute value of the external respiration frequence is been proven to be utile in know aparting between ablactating success and failure ( 26 ) . The take a breathing rate or frequence is measured by numbering the external respiration rhythms per a defined period of clip.The Ratio of Breathing Frequency to Tidal VolumeYang and Tobin [ 18 ] so performed a prospective survey of 100 medical patients having mechanical airing in the ICU in which they demonstrated that the ratio of frequence to tidal volume ( rapid shoal take a breathing index ( RSBI ) ) obtained during the first 1 minute of a T-piece test and at a threshold value of ?105 breaths/minute/l was a significantly better forecaster of ablactating results However, there remains a rule defect in the RSBI: it can bring forth inordinate false positive anticipations ( that is, patients fail ablactating outcome even when RSBI is ?105 breaths/minute/l ) [ 35-36 ] Besides, the RSBI has less prognostic power in the attention of patients who need ventilatory support for more than 8 yearss and may be less utile in chronic clogging pneumonic disease ( COPD ) and aged patients [ 37-39 ] .The Ratio of Airway Occlusion Pressure to Maximal Inspiratory PressureThe airway occlusion force per unit area ( P0.1 ) is the force per unit area measured at the air passage opening 0.1 s after animating against an occluded air passage [ 42 ] . The P0.1 is attempt independent and correlates good with cardinal respiratory thrust. When combined with PImax, the P0.1/PImax ratio at a value of & A ; lt ; 0.3 has been found to be a good early forecaster of ablactating success [ 11,43 ] and may be more utile than either P0.1 or PImax entirely. Previously, the clinical usage of P0.1/PImax has been limited by the demand of particular instrumentality at the bedside ; nevertheless, new and modern ventilators are integrating respiratory mechanics faculties that provide nu merical and graphical shows of P0.1 and PImax.Air manner ResistanceCropThe CROP index is an integrative index that incorporates several steps of preparedness for release from mechanical airing, such as dynamic respiratory system conformity ( Crs ) , self-generated external respiration frequence ( degree Fahrenheit ) , arterial to alveolar oxygenation ( partial force per unit area of arterial O ( PaO2 ) /partial force per unit area of alveolar O ( PAO2 ) ) , and PImax in the undermentioned relationship: CROP = [ Crs – PImax – ( PaO2/PAO2 ) ] /f where: PAO2 = ( PB-47 ) – FiO2 – PaCO2/0.85 and PB is barometric force per unit area. The CROP index assesses the relationship between the demands placed on the respiratory system and the ability of the respiratory musculuss to manage them [ 18 ] . Yang and Tobin [ 18 ] reported that a CROP value & A ; gt ; 13 ml/breaths/minute offers a moderately accurate forecaster of ablactating mechanical airing result. In 81 COPD patients, Alvisi and co-workers [ 39 ] showed that a CROP index at a threshold value of & A ; gt ; 16 ml/breaths/minute is a good forecaster of ablactating result. However, one disadvantage of the CROP index is that it is slightly cumbrous to utilize in the clinical scene as it requires measurings of many variables with the possible hazard of mistakes in the measuring techniques or the measuring device, which can significantly impact the value of the CROP index.Clinical Treatment ProfilesCONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Cricket a Threat to Other Games

Is Cricket’s massive appeal in India at the cost of other sports? ‘Cricket is a religion in  India’- a powerful statement that would bring a smile on all cricket lovers in India. However, rarely expressed is the other side of the coin – an issue of one man’s extreme popularity killing the very identity and existence of all other players in the mix. No Doubt that the game’s popularity has brought glory to millions of fans residing in India and worldwide, has instilled a sense of pride even in non-cricket-following Indian audiences†¦whenever the country has won, it  has brought laurels to the nation, elation to Indian people from all age groups-  be it a tiny toddler who craves for sixes from Sachin and Sehwag’s bat and or the keen cricket follower who deeply understands the nuisances of the game and gets elated whenever the little master,   Sachin crosses yet another milestone. But these cricket-savvy arguments rarely bring to light the other dark picture†¦ While cricket’s popularity has increased in India at a exponential rate, the fortunes of the other games has fallen to new lows. Hockey –our national game , in which India was considered a super-power has degraded so quickly that team India had failed   to even qualify for the  Olympics-the international sporting event in which India won medals in its golden era of hockey. It’s a pity that many international games like Motor-racing, Formula 1 races, golf, tennis, Athletics, gymnastics, swimming etc. on’t even find an Indian representation†¦. But the key question is? Is cricket responsible for this†¦The arguments are endless both in favor and against this argument. The supporters will say that all games have their separate, non-intersection identities, interests, fan-following and popularity scales†¦how come we attribute other sport’s losses on cr icket’s gains†¦ The critics will respond by equally strong arguments-if all the financial aids, funds, sponsors will be consumed by the ‘cricket’ giant ,wont the other games be starved of existence†¦ The conclusion is not easy to draw and one possible solution is to focus on aggressive advertisement of other sports, by roping in   government aids,   big corporate sponsors, the  media  and broadcasting people, the games’ iconic players as ambassadors etc†¦ Maybe someday we can produce our own version of   a Michael Schumacher or a Roger Federer†¦but for now cricket remains the undisputed king of Indian sports!! View point 2: Cricket dates back to 1721 in its trace in India, where it is more than a religion today. Being called a gentlemen game, it attracts millions of people all over the world. The popularity it pulls in the public made it a crazy game dominating any other game in India. Neither any game sustains nor collects popularity or spins the money as the cricket does. Because of this popularity other sports are ignored in our country that is about to extinct due to lack of proper encouragement from public and government. This dominance of cricket makes other games to feel low and the sportsmanship suffered inferiority complex in other areas. Arguments towards cricket We can’t blame one game for the fall of other game as there is nothing in game; everything is in the mind of people who enjoy the game. Cricket being craziest game is definitely a stylish and gentlemen game which at any cost shouldn’t be tagged with a line, â€Å"cricket is a curse for other games† which is more than religion in our country. Indian cricket has a history of holding many records often which are not easy even for the founders of the game. Though it is a lucrative game, it doesn’t mean there ends the professionalism. It is played at its standards and always allured millions of people across the world not only shaping the careers of youth but also earning them prestigious awards and rewards from the game and through endorsement. Popularity that cricket has is due to the influence which has been made by great cricketers like Kapil Dev, Ravi Shastri, Sunil Gavaskar, Sachin Tendulkar and many legendary performers. It is also the most favourite time pass for Indian youth and helps the nation to achieve integrity. Sponsors through advertisement help in boosting the economy and provide good business opportunities. Coaching centres and sports shops are established for cricket which helps them as a form of self employment. Arguments against cricket Cricket is posing threat to other games in India due it its mass popularity and makes the other sportsman suffer for their contributions. Government never supports such activities; and even if it supports will surely undermine the capacity by withdrawing the facilities provided for other sports. Cricket is a game of money, and nothing like professionalism exists in it. Youth pursue this game as profession for fame and money and the popularity it has among the mass. Players never show much attention once they are placed in national team. They will try to make fortune from the sponsors and other facilities provided. Betting is other area from which cricketers get easy money without playing game and has been in news for many matches which now brought the public to which match should be believed whether it is not fixed or fixed. Media hypes the game undermining the potential of other games and politicians do interfere to get their piece of cake in the dirty money making business. No professionalism, no sincerity. Money is the only purpose around which the game revolves.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Who are you Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Who are you - Assignment Example I intend to cut government spending, strengthen relations with European Union by avoiding a national referendum on EU membership, and also cut taxes on businesses (Stone par. 3, par. 11). The issues are thorny, and the current regime is reluctant to make any changes. The main losers are the middle and low-income families. All the objects aim at increasing the welfare of the country and its citizens. I cannot accomplish my goals without public mandate since the United Kingdom is a strong democracy. Thus, I will seek the votes in the elections on a Labor Party ticket. I consider leadership as a call to serve and not to satisfy personal ambitions. To win an election, I require a majority in parliament in order to pass crucial bills. Currently, the party has 256 members in the house. The numbers imply that the public has confidence in my policies. The UK populace is sensitive to poor governance; thus, the failures of the current government may propel me to the position of the Prime Minister in the next

Friday, September 27, 2019

Adaptation of English Academic Purposes Writing Materials for a Group Research Paper

Adaptation of English Academic Purposes Writing Materials for a Group of Chinese Learners - Research Paper Example The major challenge this group of students encounters during their first year of study relates to the high-level expectations in the universities. According to candling and Hyland (2006, 11) the learning processes for these students is the site of struggle in their process of embracing change. Accommodating and fitting into an entirely different system makes the process entirely difficult for the students (Andrade, & Evans, 2009, 29). The expression of academic work in an entirely non- familiar language demands a lot of cognitive and social ability from the students. Problems that may interfere with the student’s ability to adapt to the new language may involve the student’s attitude, social experiences, and cognitive adaption. According to Cheng (2000, 46) the process of learning English, is a process of new identity creation and balancing the new identity with a student’s initial identity. The process of academic writing entails transition towards a given a giv en culture for Chinese students (Andrade, & Evans, 2009, 34). It encompasses an acquaintance to the writing conventions in the universities culture (Xing, Wang, & Spencer, 2008, 71). According to Su and Norton (2008, 57), the most challenging hurdle for Chinese students involved writing strategies and linguistics. ...    Challenges facing Chinese students Academic challenges The main challenge to the academic performance of Chinese students’ significantly involved cultural diversity as a result of Confucian ideology (Cummins, & Davison, 2007). They could not explain precisely the expectations of British academics and culture. Teacher-student relationship The relationship between teacher-student in western universities is significantly different from the Confucian perspective (Cummins, & Davison, 2007). This leads to a great misunderstanding between the teacher and the student. According to the views of most of my Chinese students, the UK lectures are less caring and too busy to develop time for their students. To the lectures point of view, the extensive attention beyond learning hours was a bit too demanding. Chinese students express a lot of difficulty in understanding the conduct of Western teachers: they perceive the teachers’ autonomous learning technique as uncaring and unfri endly (Cummins, & Davison, 2007).  Ã‚  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome Term Paper

Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome - Term Paper Example In simple terms, this means that it cannot officially be diagnosed via scientific methods and thus as a result it has been the subject of much controversy between the supporters of its existence and the opposing side that demand proof of its presence (Hornor, 2010). The Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome can be described as the way in which a child who is undergoing sexual abuse responds to the situation (Walsh & DiLillo, 2011). This includes their behavior and reaction to facing such a travesty and is considered to behind the manner in which an abused child will act in various scenarios (Kogan, 2005). The Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome attempts to understand the thinking of a child who may be suffer through such abuse in a means to understand why they behave in the manner that they do, and it has been included in a number of court cases as a means of presenting proof that a child was abused (Kogan, 2005). Summit claimed that this syndrome consists of five stages th at a child who is being abused goes through and they include: Secrecy – This is the tendency for the child to keep what they are going through to themselves and avoid telling others especially authority figures. This can be said to as a result of a number of emotions that the child may be experiencing at that point in time that prevents them from working up the nerve to tell somebody about what is happening to them (Crosson-Tower, 2008). These emotions can include feelings like shame and embarrassment of what is going on and in many cases fear as well as the perpetrator is more likely to threaten them about disclosing what is happening to them. Helplessness – This is the second stage of CSAAS and it is where the abused child feels powerless to stop what is happening to them (Hornor, 2010). In many cases, the individual who is abusing the child is usually in a position of power, either authoritative or physical in nature which makes the child feel like they cannot do an ything to stop what is happening to them. As a result, the feeling of helplessness over the situation creeps up inside the victim (Crosson-Tower, 2008). Entrapment and accommodation – In this stage the abused child will more than likely try to deal with the situation in the best way possible and that is via accommodation of their suffering (Hornor, 2010). This may be in the form of the child making excuses for what is happening to them such as that it as a result of the fact that they have done something bad and are being punished for it (Crosson-Tower, 2008). This occurs as a result of the growth of a feeling of entrapment that rises as a bye product of the helplessness that they feel in the second stage (Walsh & DiLillo, 2011). It can be said that this is a consequence of the development of an emotional coping mechanism that helps them get through the ordeal. Delayed Disclosure – In this stage the child finally works up the courage to tell somebody what is happening to them, but this occurs after they have gone through the ordeal for a period of time (Crosson-Tower, 2008). The reason for delayed disclosure can be said to be as a result of the fact that it takes some time before a child is able to work up the nerve to tell someone about what is going as a result of the feeling of helplessness that occurs in the second stage (Hornor, 2010). It usually occurs after the child can no longer take what is going on

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Mytholgy discussion questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Mytholgy discussion questions - Assignment Example However, few people understand its importance in life. The essence of myth in humans includes defining our existence for differentiating individuals from other species. They are created from collective imagination as metaphorical projections of the way things tend to be in life. Myths represent our experiences where they emerge and provide factual knowledge that can be used to understand human existence. It provides humans with the sense of creativity and artistry through developing ideas on selected concepts such as life and creation (Parker and Julie, 2006, 17). I believe the myth is an essential part of human life, and its presence is significant in helping human beings develop an understanding of their identity. Myths help in solving eternal questions such as the origin of existence. In addition, they are important since they provide guidance to all generations. As a result, individuals have better understanding of their lives by attaching to the myth developed. I believe mankind cannot fully understand why humans look to myths as an explanation to things that happen in the natural world. Tales include faith to something greater than our existence. Therefore, myths fill the gap in knowledge, and it’s the only chance of providing an explanation where no concept can expound the issues. Psychology cannot provide the required explanation since myths are deep rooted in humanity and exist in all

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Benefits of immigration in canada Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Benefits of immigration in canada - Essay Example We can call it a safe country. One feels comfortable in any part of the country without the threat of terrorism or violence. People are guaranteed protection even in bigger cities like Ottawa and Toronto. They do not feel as if they are being neglected because they are not in their own homeland. There is Canadian social help system which does not make you feel unaccompanied when you are facing difficulties settling down. There are a lot of government sponsored programs and courses that support you in your hard times. For example, if you lose your job, you will be supported through a government funded program to back up your finances until you find a new job. Canada is one of the developed countries whose economical infrastructure is very strong. One can be sure to find a suitable paying job in this country. Most of the jobs are well rewarding making one feel comfortable with one’s life in Canada. Even if one’s family is not living in Canada, one can fully support them through the Canadian job income. Moreover, there are loving and caring communities in Canada which make your life even more pleasant. Canadian people welcome the immigrants with open arms and make them feel at home. They do not discriminate the immigrants on the basis of language, color, creed and caste. So, the new comers feel secure and protected. â€Å"Canada has long sought immigrants to populate the world’s second largest land mass†, write DeParle (2010). Immigration to Canada is relatively easier than immigration to any other country. You do not have to seek help from Canadian immigration lawyer and place application in case of simple immigration. â€Å"Being an immigrant is also no barrier to being a proper Canadian; in parliamentary elections earlier this month, 11% of the people elected were not native† (E.G., 2011). As for the country, the immigrants occupy different occupations thus enhancing the already stable economic system

Monday, September 23, 2019

Internationalization in general and the internationalization of Essay

Internationalization in general and the internationalization of Universities in particular - Essay Example Both will continue, with firms increasing globalisation by responding to changing macro and operational markets to increase both efficiency and profits. The primary globalisation drivers are the loss of barriers between nations, allowing new trading relationships to develop and change driven by technology. During the early stages of globalisation, companies actively made the decision to globalise, and did so in small steps. It is now assumed that all firms will globalise unless they have a good reason not to (Yip, 2001, p.358). One of the main reasons for globalising, is the increasing rate of change in technology, especially the Internet. Even the smallest organisation can trade globally as long as they have an appropriate web site and can set up the appropriate supply chain for delivery to the customers. Yip also identified three main forms of multinational companies (MNCs): internationalist, federalist and global maximiser (ibid, pp.359-362). The federalist is the traditional MNC. The global maximiser uses pure strategy when formulating growth plans. For an SME deciding to internationalise, the internationalist strategy appears most suitable. An internationalist strategy is used by a company with a secure position within its home market/nation. Foreign activities are opportunistic rather than strategically planned and intended. The test, according to Yip, is whether or not the company could survive purely on the revenue and profit streams of the domestic business (ibid, p.359). This would also be an appropriate approach for a university seeking to expand overseas for the first time, although the use of the Internet and well-constructed, culturally appropriate learning materials with well-trained teaching staff might negate the need to physically expand overseas at all. Kaarna (2010) makes use of the internationalisation framework when considering whether â€Å"different theories for explaining the accelerated internationalisation† (p.556). He found, a s part of his initial investigations, other researchers’ work, undertaken in 2000-2003, identified two ways that enterprises attained international status by either starting as a global company or using multiple market entry modes simultaneously (ibid). Surprisingly he also identifies a study that found the use of theoretical models in peer-reviewed articles was evident in only 18% of them (32 out of 179 papers) (ibid, p.557). His research revealed that, despite its age, the internationalisation framework still held, some 34 years since its identification by Johnson and Vahlne in 1977 (ibid, p.560), although it is qualified by indicating that some of the underlying assumptions had changed, with new ideas being added based on other theories and models which, Kaarna claims, have enhanced â€Å"the understanding of [the] accelerated internationalisation phenomenon† (ibid). Other aspects affecting the increasing extent and pace of globalisation, are increasing amounts of i nvestment from companies seeking to set up operations in different countries. Restrictions are being reduced and/or removed to facilitate this, increasing the abilities of nations to import and export required goods and services (Hill, 2011, pp.12-13). Trade barriers have also been progressively reduced, although there are often threats of imposing tariffs and quotas when nations disagree with policies and approaches of other nations, resulting

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Genetically Modified Food and Crops Essay Example for Free

Genetically Modified Food and Crops Essay Abstract Since the 1980s scientists have been altering crops, including some of the food we eat (Fairly Gaskins, 2000). Genetically modified food has always been a concern for many people. I find the concerns to be unwarranted because there has never been a negative health report due to the fact of consuming GM foods. Biotechnology gives us the best means for solving the worlds food shortage now and in the future. Genetically modified crop plants are now grown on nearly 150 million acres in the United States alone, helping farmers to increase yields, reduce pesticide spraying, and save topsoil (Conko Miller, 2011). What are we actually eating? Looking at ingredients on the back of a product was almost considered out of the ordinary ten to fifteen years ago. But now it is one of the most important factors in the decision on whether or not a consumer will buy the product. In all the research I conducted there was never a proven harmful effect from genetic engineering. However, the benefits are scientifically proven which gives genetically modified crops the advantage over traditional farming. The proposed ideas and research by scientist show that a lot more can be done with GM food other than eating it. Globalization of GM crops is becoming apparent as well as GM crop commercialization. _Keywords: GM Food, GM Crops, Genetically engineered crops, Biotechnology, GM organisms. _ Genetically modified organisms can be defined as organisms in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally. The technology is often called biotechnology and it allows selected individual genes to be transferred from one organism into another (World Health Organization, 2002). For more than twenty years of scientific, humanitarian, and financial success genetic engineering has been applied to agriculture. This has been accomplished without injury to a single person or damage to the ecosystem. However, activists are still fighting the use of genetically modified crops (Conko Miller 2011). Millions of people around the world suffer from malnutrition and with the steep projected increase of our worlds population in the next fifty years a change needs to be made. Genetically modified crops increase yield, nutrition and uses fewer pesticides all without proven negative effects. GM crops and all its benefits make it the gateway for the worlds agriculture success. Genetically modified crops are becoming the building blocks for agriculture advancements. Scientists are continually working to create more benefits for consumers as well as farmers. The main concern of GM foods is negative health risks however, they are actually more beneficial. GM foods have longer shelf life, contain higher nutritional value and are safer to eat. For example, GM corn has lower fungal toxin content then non-GM corn, and farmers typically produce GM crops using fewer pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers (Tyson, 2001). By drastically reducing the use of chemicals on the plants it provides a major improvement for the consumers safety and nourishment. Because scientists slightly tweak the DNA of the plants with other genes it is possible that food allergens may end up in GM products. Steve Taylor, a scientists at the University of Nebraska states that, the food-allergy threat is small because food engineers now avoid using genes from nuts and other common food allergens. The benefits of genetic engineering justify the risk (Fairley Gaskins 2000). Products from biotechnology are no less safe than traditionally bred crops. According to Dr. Prakash, genetically improved products are subjected to intensive testing, while conventional varieties have never been subjected to any such regulation for food safety or environmental impact (Prakash, 2000). Every GM food that is currently available on the international market has already passed risk assessments and is not likely to pose a risk for the consumers. No effects have been shown and GM foods will continue to be regulated in more and more countries (World Health Organization, 2002). GM crops are never expected to present a health risk and therefore should reassure government officials worldwide in the use of this technology. Another concern of GM technology is the effect it has on the environment. The environmental risks of biotechnology are also unidentified just like the health trepidations. No scientific evidence proves that GM crops are harmful to the environment. U. S. officials pointed out that scientists in Europe had been unable to find any evidence of added risk to human health or the environment from any GM crop variety developed to date. In fact, none of the studies by Europe found any scientific evidence of added harm to humans or the environment (Paarlberg, 2003). GM engineering will actually help the environment rather than harm it. In the U. S. alone farmers annually administer more than nine hundred seventy million tons of insect and plant killers. Now GM crops have the ability of containing their own insect and plant killing gene which means the farmers can use fewer chemicals (Tyson, 2001). To ensure that the environment is remaining safe, risk assessments are conducted for the GM product as well as the area in which the crop will grow (World Health Organization, 2002). Furthermore, the United Nations Environment Program has used funding for developing countries to implement biosafety regulations for GM crops. The UNEP wants these regulations implemented before any crop is planted no matter the cost or delay (Paarlberg, 2003). Since 2011, The U. S. Department of Agriculture has approved seventy four different GM crops. In each case the crops data was reviewed for several years and each concluded that they will have no significant environmental impact (Conko Miller 2011). These precautionary measures toward genetically modified crops allow the government to regulate farming actions and safeguard the environment. The initial reason GM organisms were created was to improve crop production. The GM crops currently on the market are mainly aimed at an increased level of crop protection through the introduction of resistance against plant diseases caused by insects or viruses or through increased tolerance towards herbicides (Tyson, 2001). Producers are getting a lot more for a lot less which translates to products with lower prices. The improved production of crops and technology accounts for the lowered costs and have forced tremendous competition in the herbicide and insecticide markets (Prakash, 2000). This also helps traditional farmers because it now allows them to buy these products at a cheaper cost. In fifty years the world population could exceed eleven billion people unfortunately, the current food supply is not expanding at the same rate. Because of this, GM crops need to expand and gain popularity over traditional farming. Global GM crop farming in 1999 covered about one hundred million acres (Tyson, 2001). Now, genetically modified crop plants are grown on nearly one hundred fifty million acres in the United States alone (Conko Miller 2011). These statistics show that GM crop farming is rapidly expanding and the benefits are obvious. Biotechnology and its productivity give us the best chance to safely solve the food needs of today and the future. Poor farmers in tropical countries face problems such as crop pests, drought and low soil fertility (Paarlberg, 2003). These are the people who annually struggle to produce enough food for their families. Bugs, drought and disease destroy many acres of farmland every year. Fortunately scientists are creating GM crops with built in resistance to insects and diseases. GM Crops are also being developed that can grow in deserts or near salt water which allows more area for farming (Fairley Gaskins, 2011). Because GM crops are now being built in with these resistances farmers wont experience huge financial setbacks caused by pests killing their plants. Since the majority of malnutrition people in the world live in developing countries this opens up the opportunity for them to increase crop yield and provide enough food for everyone. Also, in developing countries people often have to survive off a single staple that own its own doesnt supply sufficient amounts of nutrients. Food scientist hope to solve this problem by creating crops equipped with vitamins and minerals. According to Tyson, one of the most promising is golden rice, which can stimulate our bodies to generate vitamin A. In the developing world, vitamin-A deficiency kills two million children each year (Tyson, 2001). A development through GM foods may be able to save two million people which would be a life changing breakthrough. Scientists are also trying to perfect eatable vaccines. They are genetically adding vaccines to tomatoes and bananas, since traditional vaccines are expensive to manufacture and require specialized storage. Eatable vaccines, will be easier to transport, store, and administer in third world countries (Tyson, 2001). Biotechnology holds unlimited potential for areas of the world where poverty and poor agricultural conditions make farming challenging. The U. S. needs to ensure the people of these countries that GM food is safe and will be nothing but beneficial to their people. Genetic engineering is a crucial factor in agricultural productivity and if it continues to safely expand it could help meet the problematic food challenges that have already started. Genetic engineering holds great possibilities that could change the world. Simply peeling back a banana infused with antibiotics could be the next breakthrough science has to offer. Biotechnology continues to show safety is not an issue. GM farmers are now administering fewer chemicals on their crops. This reduces the amount of air pollution and water contamination in the environment. Genetic modifications were being made since farming started. Farmers always crossed bred the most successful plants year to year and without any concerns from the public. Today, scientist have a better understanding of how genetic modifications work making it safer for the consumers. However, government regulations are still implemented just for precautionary purposes. The United States is fortunate enough to grow numerous varieties of crops and also have the ability to choose the method of how they are grown. Unfortunately, not every country has these advantages. Genetically modified products allow these developing nations to grow crops at a more productive rate. Commercialization of genetically modified agriculture needs to be strictly monitored to make sure regulations are followed. Over industrialization of farming today is negatively viewed therefore making it essential that a golden mean is set for genetically modified products. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Fairley, P. , Gaskins, P. (2000). Food Fight!. _Scholastic Choices_, _15_(8), 16. CONKO, G. , MILLER, H. I. (2011). The Rush to Condemn Genetically Modified Crops. _Policy Review_, (165), 69-82. World Health Orginization.(2002). Retrieved from website: http://www. who. int/foodsafety/publications/biotech/20questions/en/index. html Tyson, P. T. (2001, April 12). _Harvest of fear_. Retrieved from http://www. pbs. org/wgbh/harvest/exist/ Prakash, C. (2000). Genetically engineered crops can feed the world!. Retrieved from http://www. 21stcenturysciencetech. com/articles/biotech. html Paarlberg, R. L. (2003). Reinvigorating genetically modified crops. _Issues in Science and Technology, 19_(3), 86-92. Retrieved from http://ezproxy. sju. edu/login? url=http://search. proquest. com/docview/195920735? accountid=14071.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Gattaca Film Study Essay Example for Free

Gattaca Film Study Essay Gattaca is often portrayed as a quest film. A quest film is defined as â€Å"a character that is on a journey or adventure with an ultimate goal in mind of completing a task or to obtain an object of significance.† (Merriam-Webster, 2012) The quest often involves overcoming challenges and to do this the character learn something about him/her-self and this then aids them on their â€Å"quest†. Being a quest film, Gattaca shares many characteristics that are often found in other movies of a similar genre. Examples of these include – Pirates of the Caribbean and In Time. Pirates of the Caribbean, is told with the protagonist as Captain Jack Sparrow on a quest to help him obtain immortality. The characters in both Pirates of the Caribbean and Gattaca share many similar traits; they are both after a strongly desired goal and will take the necessary risks to succeed. Gattaca, being produced in 1997, had many cutting edge ideas with such vision leading directors of the time. It was set in what was though the not so distant future of today would look like. It gives us an insight into a world based around the genetically superior, where genes are all that matter. The main character Vincent Freeman has dreamt of becoming an astronaut his whole life but, due to being conceived naturally and receiving a life expectancy of 30 years. He is cast aside in society, labelled a â€Å"Degenerate† and â€Å"Invalid†. Vincent soon learns he will never be able to move ahead in life; to fulfil his dream Vincent uses a â€Å"Borrowed ladder† from a genius named Jerome Eugene Morrow, who is a paraplegic due to an accident overseas. The term a â€Å"Borrowed Ladder† comes as the protagonist Vincent impersonates the life of Jerome thus using his identity. After months of special care, training and changes to his looks, Vincent enters the Aerospace Corporation known as â€Å"Gattaca†. Impersonating Jerome, Freeman becomes the company’s top navigator with a perfect record and clean slate by working hard and working hard to keep his real identity a secret; he is chosen to go on a manned spaceflight to Saturn’s moon Titus, but complications arise. One week before departure, when one of the managing directors is bludgeoned to death. An â€Å"Invalids† profile; Vincent’s old identity, is uncovered by investigators and this threatens to jeopardise his chances of going to Titan. After managing to avoid being caught by using precautions such as placing samples of DNA supplied by Jerome around Gattaca and even receiving help from a young lady, Irene; with whom Vincent develops feelings for. He ends up finally leaving Earth on due course for Titan. Pirates of the Caribbean on Stranger Tides (2011) Pirates of the Caribbean on Stranger Tides (2011) The Pirates of the Caribbean series are another group of quest movies opened by introducing the goal of the main character, Captain Jack Sparrow. He is always on a quest in search for personal well fortune and benefits. He uses his friends throughout these many adventures, and alike Gattaca, the Protagonist is able to achieve his own desires. During Gattaca, Vincent is aided on several occasions, one being when Irene hides his true identity from the authorities to help him complete his goal/mission. Irene does this; I think because she can understand where he is coming from as she has personal experience suffering in a world where genes are everything. The movie ends with Vincent successfully making it onto the space craft headed to Titan; the ending adds a sense of success but subtly hints to deep sadness with two lines, â€Å"They say every atom in our bodies was once part of a star† and â€Å"Maybe I’m not leaving, maybe I’m going home†. The movie reaches a climax when Vincent is almost discovered by his brother (the leading detective on the case), but manages to get past this by telling his brother that â€Å"he always gave 110 percent†. The quest is completed, as shown in Pirates of the Caribbean, when Captain Jack Sparrow finally manages to overcome a final obstacle and regain ownership of his beloved ship, the Black Pearl. This is exactly the same in Gattaca with Vincent overcoming the final problem of his identity getting potentially exposed by a medical examiner giving him one last routine urine test. It is shown through a simple line that the examiner has known his real identity all along. He achieves his goal and boards the spacecraft without any further problems Vincent achieving this goal shows to us that no matter what ones, goal or dreams are, overcoming the problems you are faced with will ultimately help you in achieve it. Gattaca is a good example of a quest movie because it clearly explains what the goal of the protagonist is and once it has established this, it shows how he overcame his many problems to achieve an ultimate goal. There are many attractions for the audience with many special filming techniques and suspenseful moments utilizing a constant beat to add effect and drama. There is a specific scene in the movie where Vincent is meant to be at home sick but instead is unable to be there so he tells Jerome to impersonate him. There is a problem with this, as to open the door and greet the detective, Jerome must climb a stair case. Without the use of his legs Jerome finds this a challenge because he is a paraplegic. The suspense builds as Jerome struggles up the stairs, racing to get to the top before the detectives reach the door. As you would expect, one last moment effort from Jerome manages to keep the detectives from discovering who he really is. Irene plays a vital role in this scene by acting as if Jerome is Vincent, when she herself is only just finding out the truth. Overall, Gattaca is an excellent example of what a quest film should include. It has a strong story and the director utilizes many techniques with the music, lighting and even camera angles to top it off. The protagonist overcomes challenges; his genes as a place marker for him in society, almost becoming discovered as an â€Å"Invalid† and a brother who is close to exposing his secret. I think that the quest, his personal dream of travelling into space is worthwhile as he learns about himself while doing it.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Examining The Bromination And Debromination Of Cholesterol Biology Essay

Examining The Bromination And Debromination Of Cholesterol Biology Essay Bromination/debromination which is an important organic reaction that aims in purification of crude cholesterol from impurities which include 3-cholestanol, 7-cholesten-3-ol, and 5,7-chlestadien-3-ol was performed in a laboratory scale for two weeks. Due to steric constraints, only cholesterol reacted with bromine and crystallized from the solution making it possible to be separated (Feiser, and Williamson 63). The dibromocholesterol formed is regenerated by reacting with Zinc dust. In addition, three methods were used to evaluate the effectiveness. These were Sodium Iodide test, Silver Nitrate test, and Sulfuric acid test. NaI test showed a positive response as color changed to yellow. The formation of the precipitate also indicated a positive result. The sodium iodide reagent reacted with 1 ° and 2 ° alkyl halides through an SN2 mechanism.  On the other hand, the silver nitrate reagent reacted with 2o and 3 ° alkyl halides through an SN1 mechanism.   Negative results were observed for both the commercial cholesterol and 1-chlorobutane (Zubrick 38). Conversely, the t-butyl chloride gave a positive result for the AgNO3  test and a negative result for the NaI test. The synthesized cholesterol was 0.29 gram and the theoretical yield was 1.08 gram. This gave a percent yield of 26.9 gram. Although this was a low yield the TLC analysis confirmed a high purity of the synthesized cholesterol. The melting point of the synthesized cholesterol and commercial cholesterol seems to fall in the same range. This confirms the purity of the synthesized cholesterol. TLC analysis was carried out to confirm the purity of the analysis. The distance traveled by commercial cholesterol was 5.5 whereas that travelled by the synthesized cholesterol was 4.6. The absence of other spots on the TLC plate confirms that there were no contaminations present in the sample. Introduction Cholesterol is an important steroidal compound found in both animals and plants. Despite the fact that cholesterol causes diseases, it plays a vital role in life. For example, cholesterol is the main structural component in cell walls and in myelin sheath formation. It is also a major precursor for most steroid hormones. Crude cholesterol is isolated from natural sources and various methods have been used in its purification. Crude cholesterol contains approximately 3-5% contamination. Some of the contaminants are 3-cholestanol, 7-cholesten-3-ol, and 5,7-chlestadien-3-ol shown below. Figure 2: Some common contaminants of commercial cholesterol The main objective of this experiment was to purify commercial cholesterol using organic reaction chemistry, including the use of the electrophilic addition. For complete purification of cholesterol from the above impurities is achieved by a reaction of bromine with cholesterol to generate dibromocholesterol. Because of the steroid ring structure present in these compounds that causes steric constraints, only cholesterol reacts with bromine to form an insoluble diaxial dibromo compound through electrophilic addition. On the other hand, cholestanal does not react with bromine and the other two contaminants are dehydrogenated by bromine leading to formation of soluble dienes and trienes respectively. The dibromo-cholesterol precipitates as a solid leaving the other impurities in the reaction solvent. A purification step such as solvent washing or crystallization is carried out to separate the solid from the impurities. The so lid dibromo-cholesterol is then reacted with zinc in order to regenerate pure cholesterol. Figure 1: Reaction Scheme for the Bromination/Debromination of Cholesterol To test the effectiveness of this reaction three different chemical tests namely sodium iodide in acetone, silver nitrate in ethanol test, and sulfuric acid test, were performed. Each of these tests is selective for a specific functional group. Dibromocholesterol contains both primary and secondary alkyl halides and reacts with a sodium iodide in acetone and silver nitrate in ethanol to form a precipitate or a cloudy solution. In addition, the presence of double bonds in dibromocholesterol in form of alkene makes it possible for the formation of a fluorescent green sulfuric acid layer and a red chloroform layer when reacted with sulfuric acid (Landgrebe 78). Material and Methods 1g of commercial cholesterol was added to a 25 mL Erlenmeyer flask. 7 mL t-butylmethyl ether was measured with a graduated cylinder and added to the flask containing the cholesterol and a magnetic stir bar. A water bath was then set up on the hotplate in the hood. The Erlenmeyer flask contain the reaction solution was inserted into the water bath and clamped as shown below. The heat and the stirrer were turned on and gently heat until all the cholesterol dissolved in t-butylmethyl ether. Figure 3:   Set-up for bromination reaction (Note: the actual reaction mixture is not blue) The flask was removed from the water bath after all the cholesterol was completely dissolved and allowed to cool to room temperature. After the cholesterol solution was cooled, the flask was clamped to the ring on the hot plate as shown in figure 4 and stirred without heating. A burette was then used to dispense 5 mL of bromine solution into the flask. A precipitate solution formed almost immediately. Figure 4:   Set-up for the Addition of Bromine The water bath was replaced with ice and tap water and the reaction solution stirred intermittently with a glass stir rod for ~ 10 minutes to complete the crystallization of the product. About 20 mL of the t-butylmethyl ether acetic acid solution was then dispensed in a clean 50 mL Erlenmeyer flask which was clamped to a ring stand and allowed to cool in the ice bath. A vacuum filtration was done using a Buchner funnel and filter paper. The solid in the filter was washed using ~10 mL of the cooled solution of t-butylmethyl ether acetic acid and then with ~10 ml of methanol. The solid was then allowed to dry with the vacuum on for about 5 minutes. the dibromocholesterol melting point was measured and recorded. The dry solid was weighted and sealed in a vial and stored for next experiment. To debrominate cholesterol, 20 mL of t-butylmethyl ether, 5 mL of acetic acid and 0.2 g of Zn dust were added into the Erlenmeyer flask containing the dibromocholesterol solid. The mixture was swir led for 5-10 minutes in the hood and sonicated in 5 minutes to allow the reaction to go completion. After sonication the solids present were removed by gravity filtration method into a clean 125 mL Erlenmeyer flask. The filtrate was transferred to a 125 mL separatoryHYPERLINK funnel in which 20 mL of deionized water was added, shaken and allowed to separate into layers. The two layers formed were then separated as water layers and organic (ether) layers. The ether layer was washed with 20 mL of 10% NaOH and then 20 mL of saturated NaCl solution. 100mg of the drying agent magnesium sulfate was added to the organic layer and the solution swirled until dry. The drying agent was removed by gravity filtration using a glass funnel fluted filter paper and a very dry 50 mL Erlenmeyer flask. The flask was placed in a warm water bath and then ice cooled for 10 minut es until all but 5 mL of the ether remained following a precipitate formation from the solution. The remaining solvent was decanted and the synthesized cholesterol transferred and allowed to dry in the hood for 20 minutes.The dry solid was weighed and the weight recorded. In addition the melting point was also taken and recorded. To evaluate the effectiveness of the bromination reaction three chemical reactions mentioned above were carried out. NaI in acetone test Five test tubes labeled A, B, C, D and E were used for this test.   About 30 mg of the commercial cholesterol starting material was added to tube A; ~30 mg of dibromocholesterol to tube B; ~30 mg of the synthesized cholesterol product to tube C; ~0.3 mL of 1-chlorobutane to tube D; and ~ 0.3 mL of t-butyl chloride to tube E.   In addition, about 3 mL of acetone was added to each tube to completely dissolve all the compounds.   Solutions A-E was used to do the NaI in acetone test as well as the AgNO3 in ethanol test. Tubes A-C did the TLC as well. The NaI in Acetone and AgNO3 in Ethanol tests were performed by setting up a test tube rack containing ten small test tubes. The test tubes were labeled N1 N5 and A1 A5. 1 mL of NaI in acetone reagent was added to test tubes N1 N5, and 1 mL of AgNO3 in ethanol reagent to test tubes A1 A5. This was followed by adding 5-8 drops of A solution to test tube N1 and tube A1, 5-8 drops of solution B to test tube N2 and tube A2, 5-8 drops of solution C to to test tube N3 and tube A3, 5-8 drops of solution C to test tube N4 and tube A4, and 5-8 drops of solution C to test tube N5 and tube A5. The test tubes were heated for a while and all the observations recorded. The sulfuric acid for alkenes test was performed by additional solutions of cholesterol and dibromocholesterol with five dry-cleaned test tubes 1-5. 10 mg of commercial cholesterol was placed in tube 1, ~10mg of the dibromocholesterol to tube 2 ~10 mg of your synthesized cholesterol to tube 3, ~10 mg of 2-chlorobutane to tube 4, and 10 mg of cyclohexene to tube 5.  About 1 mL of chloroform (CHCl3) was added to each tube and vortex to completely dissolve all solids.   In addition, 0.5 mL of H2SO4 was then added to each tube. The observation for this reaction was recorded in the notebook. The TLC analysis of cholesterol and dibromocholesterol was performed by obtaining a silica gel TLC plate and setting it up to run TLC analysis on solutions A-C above. The plate was spotted with each solution and developed by placing the plate using 30% ethyl acetate: 70% hexane as the mobile phase. The developed plates were viewed under UV lamp and in the I2 chamber and observations recorded. Results Table 1 Percent Yield of synthesized cholesterol Actual Yield 0.29g Theoretical Yield 1.08g Percent Yield 26.9% Mass of Synthesized Dibromocholesterol was 1.57g Table 2 Melting Point Test Compound Temperature  °C Commercial Cholesterol 144.6-150.3 Dibromochesterol 105-109 Synthesized Cholesterol 147 Table 3 Sodium Iodide test Compound Time Vortex Temp First Sign of Reaction Com. Cholesterol None Dibromocholesterol + Yellow Synthesized Cholesterol + Chunky Yellow 1-Chlorobutane + Yellow Tert-Butyl Chloride + Cloudy Table 4 Silver Nitrate test Compound Time Vortex Temp First Sign of Reaction Com. Cholesterol None Dibromocholesterol + Cloudy Synthesized Cholesterol + Cloudy Yellow 1-Chlorobutane None Tert-Butyl Chloride + Cloudy Table 5: Sulfuric Acid Test Compound Time Vortex Temp First Sign of Reaction Com. Cholesterol + Color Dibromocholesterol + Color Synthesized Cholesterol + Color 1-Bromobutane None Tert-Butyl Chloride + Color Table 6: Thin Layer Chromatography: In 30% Ethyl Acetate/70% Hexane Commercial Cholesterol 5.5 1.0 5.5 Dibromocholesterol 4 0.73 5.5 Synthesized Cholesterol 4.6 0.84 5.5 Discussion The yield of the synthesized cholesterol was .29 grams (Table 1). The theoretical yield was 1.08 grams. The actual yield was calculated by taking the difference of the weight of the round bottom flask and the synthesized cholesterol by the synthesized cholesterols weight alone. The percent yield was calculated to be 26.9 percent. The synthesize process was not efficient due to the low yield and percent yield of the synthesized cholesterol. The melting point of the synthesized cholesterol and commercial cholesterol seems to fall in the same range. This confirms the purity of the synthesized cholesterol. NaI test showed a positive response as color changed to yellow. The formation of the precipitate also indicated a positive result. The sodium iodide reagent reacted with 1 ° and 2 ° alkyl halides through an SN2 mechanism.  On the other hand, the silver nitrate reagent reacted with 2o and 3 ° alkyl halides through an SN1 mechanism.   Negative results were observed for both the commercial cholesterol and 1-chlorobutane. Conversely, the t-butyl chloride gave a positive result for the AgNO3  test and a negative result for the NaI test. The stationary phase of the TLC test was the silica gel TLC plate and the mobile phase was 30% Ethyl Acetate/70% Hexane (Table 6). The distance traveled by commercial cholesterol was 5.5, and for the synthesized cholesterol was 4.6. The difference in the distance traveled and the R f values of the samples commercial and synthesized cholesterol were pure. Since there were no other spots visible on the TLC plate was a clear indication that there were no contaminations of other chemical compounds present in the sample.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Oedipus Complex in Oedipus the King :: Sophocles

In Oedipus the King, once upon a time in a kingdom far, far away Queen Jocasta was expecting a baby boy, but one day Tiresias (a blind prophet) dropped by one day to see the queen to give her bad news about her baby. Tiresias said "My queen, the son you will bear will kill his father and marry his mother!!!" The queen was appalled by this news, thus, after the queen had her son she immediately drove him away, by leaving him in the dark, verdant woods. A herder from another kingdom found the baby boy and immediately notified his king about the baby. The king adopted the newborn boy and named it Oedipus. When Oedipus was grown up (in his twenties) he heard a legend that a prince from a kingdom far, far away will kill his father and marry his own mother. Oedipus was frightened that he will kill his father and own marry his own mother so he embarked on a journey to escape the myth. When Oedipus was traveling in his chariot he met a man in the middle of the desert, and the young arrogant Oedipus killed the man. (He did not know that he just killed his biological father) In the gates of Thebes, a sphinx was guarding the kingdom slithering back and forth. Oedipus finally talks to the sphinx, ?Maybe you can spare us some food, my kingdom was shambling into death.? ?Well, well, do you want to enter the kingdom to speak to the queen?. ? ?Yes,? replied Oedipus ?I have a riddle for you my child. If you answer it correctly, you may talk to the queen and you have heard about our king who has been missing for days. We assumed he is rotting in the middle of the desert. I guess the vultures will have a feast? In addition to talking to the queen about your discrepancies you can also marry the widowed queen.? The sphinx asked Oedipus, ?What walks on four legs in the morning, two at noon, and three in the evening?? ?A man,? Oedipus replied and he was correct. So basically he can marry the queen of Thebes and that makes him the king of Thebes. (But keep in mind Oedipus is going to marry his own mother.) The King had the Queen of Thebes four children, two sons, Eyocles and Polynices and two daughters, Ismene and Antigone.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Not the Sound of Silence Footnoting the Pop/Rock Sounds of the Library :: Essays Papers

Not the Sound of Silence Footnoting the Pop/Rock Sounds of the Library While in the University of Arizona's Music Library evaluating their reference collection for a class project, I came across the following book and annotated it for my pathfinder: Green, J. (2002). The Thematic Guide to Popular Music, Nashville: Professional Desk References. This massive guide categorizes music by lyrical theme(s) and/or song titles. For instance, there are listings of songs by days of the week, women's first names and cities around the world. The perennial themes of love, romance and relationships are broken down into 25 sub-categories. Paging through it spurred me to wonder about songs written about or songs referring to libraries or librarians. While there were song listings galore referring to books (e.g., "Book of Love" by the Monotones and "Little Red Book" by Burt Bacharach/ Hal David), librarians and libraries were not even a category, subcategory or even crossed-referenced! This void gave me the impetus to do my own brief exploration and survey, drawing upon the vast resources of the web, friends, and my record collection, of the brief instances where the music world danced in library land. Tori Amos-"Tales of a Librarian" Classmate and Health Science librarian Virginia Sanchez filled me in on this one. I looked it up on and found it was a collection of her hit songs. The record reviewer MacKenzie Wilson even writes, "Tales of a Librarian: A Tori Amos Collection is not only one of the most intriguing titles for a hits compilation, but the package itself captures only the best from Amos' years spent with Atlantic." BiblioTech editor Lori Ito Hardenbergh recently mentioned that songs on this album are even organized according to the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system! Check out the following link from Library Journal, which succinctly provides "an abstract" to her recorded tales: The Librarians A now defunct power-pop band from Oakland, CA who used librarian stereotypes as part their shtick. For example, their band logo includes an illustration of a pair of black-framed glasses with one shattered lens. A photograph of the same motif appears on the back cover of their lone CD (properly clogging the used CD racks of the Bay Area). While they do have a song titled "Peace & Quiet, " I would have bestowed them all with "Superstar Reader" awards if they recorded a concept album where every song had a library theme.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

How Useful Is the Boy in Striped Pyjamas About Telling Us?

How useful is the Boy in the Striped Pyjamas in telling us about the Holocaust? The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, shows what life was like in Germany when the Nazis were taking over. The film tells us about two young boys with two different lives. The Boy in the Striiped Pyjamas is useful about some topics based in that time however it can also be unreliable in others. The Holocaust was mainly a target for Jewish people, black people, homesexuals, gypsies and the physically disabled, the mentally disabled and those involved in resistance movements against Hitler..The Jewish people were the main traget and this chatastrophe started when Hitler came into power. The holocaust was a bruital place for those people, they had no other choice but to do slave labour, such as people had to work in tunnels and starve to death. The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas explains the Age of the Victims. The film suggests that age tended to vary from young children to old men. This showed a unuseful report beca use during that time Nazis would kill those who were old of age and useless at working.This rule would automatically apply for those who were physically and mentally disabled. The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas only showed one child which meant the rest were adults. This was useful because sources show that there were the odd few of children but mainly adults in the concentration camps. This was because adults are more useful in terms of working. The film also explains the gender of the victims the film showed that there were only men in the camps. This was unreliable because other sources show that the gender also tended to vary with women also.However the sources did show that there were more men than women, so this meant men were stronger than women and could work more than women. There has been disagreement however whether or not men are stronger then women. â€Å"Men were stronger so would live longer†, I disagree with this statement because if women survived they would form a friendship with each other and therefore be able to support one another if they were sick and so could rely on each other. Also, the film showed what the work was like in the camps for a person.The film showed that people were forced to build and manufacture and they would all were the same uniform to represent that they were not and individual in the camps. The film also showed they were allowed to work outside of camps and work indoors with other families and work as a slave in their homes. This was reliable because everyone who were in the camp all had to wear the same uniform, and they did build and manufacture. But they also had to work in the tunnels , mining but mostly they worked until they died or were no longer fit to work and were sent to die.The rule that applied while working was if you could work well you would live, if not you would die. The film showed the small amount of food the people were getting. The young boy Shmall, explained the lack of food they were gett ing. The film showed Bruno bringing food to Shmall and how he ate it like a beast out of starvation. This was reliable because this represented that they did not get much to eat and some were forced to starve. Sources explains that each victim in the camp would get a slice of bread and sometime margarine and marmalade in the morning.Midday they would get potato soup and maybe a little of meat. Although the film did not show this they did show that the victims were skinny and many were starving. The film however did not show any escape from any victims in the camps. But showed that the electric fence surrounding the camp was that there was only one however sources show there were two so this meant, the Boy in the Striped Pyjamas was unreliable. Escape from the camps was almost impossible but I believe it was all done by luck. At least on stats, 802 attempted to escape and only 144 succeeded.The victims who did escape did not realise the consequences that 10 people, selected randomly, by luck, in the camp would be killed if one victim escaped from the camp. The film did not show any survival in the camp which shows that the film is unreliable. Sources show that surviving in the concentration camp had to fight against the harsh conditions they were living in. There was less food, space and less opportunity to be with friends or family. The labour was even more difficult and exhausting; there was constant punishment and stricter rules and regulations regarding every intimate detail of life.The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas also showed death in the concentration camps. They showed how men were beaten if they had done something wrong, spilt wine accidentally on the soldier and had used gas chambers to kill the people, by tricking them thinking it was a shower. This was reliable, however there were quotes made such as â€Å"Luck was the only reason people survived†, I agree with this statement because Viktor Frankl, worked as a kitchen carrier supplier, and how h e explained how he explained how without his job he wouldn't have survived by eating crumbs from the floor.There were other bruital ways of dying in the camps, some soldiers will allow you to starve to death by not giving you your breakfast or lunch, some others were immediately shot dead if they had done something wrong. I believe the Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is unuseful because it has given inaccurate accounts such as, men were the only people in these camps or no one escaped from the camps. It has however given some information such as how some people were killed in the gas chambers, but did not show how other people had died in more bruital impact other than a gas chamber.Also it has given an inaccurate account by implying that the people only worked by building and manufacuring when there were more jobs, working in the mines and dug holes for those who had lost their lives in the concentration camp. So summarising my view points I think the Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is unuse ful and unreliable, because it has shown an inaccurate account of what life was like inside the camp and in my personal opinion was much more brutal than they had shown.

Monday, September 16, 2019

A Problem Critical to the Education in the 21st Century Essay

In the 21st century I believe that inequitable opportunity is the most critical education problem. Inequitable opportunity impacts people of different racial backgrounds in various ways. It limits the knowledge a student receives, the rate at which they learn, funds available to the school, the students ability to succeed in the workforce upon graduating, it even affects the knowledge or lack of knowledge a student learns at home. Though this may affect the teaching staff in ways, minorities from a lower income family are the ones impacted most. These students often fail because they are not prepared for success. Students from a lower social class have fewer resources available to them; therefore they do not make it to the top. Schools in poverty stricken areas receive less funding, and this severely impacts the students. The school is unable to provide students with up to date technology, and the resources needed to compete with their peers from more privileged backgrounds. The school will not be able to provide ESL classes for Latino students. Students will more than likely drop out; the ones who actually manage to graduate will probably be less qualified to perform essential job duties. These students will not be as knowledgeable because they may be using outdated texts, and they are not able to learn how to fully utilize technology needed to survive in today’s workforce. Schools that are in a low income neighborhood do not have modern buildings, the school buildings are very out dated. The air conditioning and heating may not be working properly creating a very uncomfortable learning environment. This may discourage students from wanting to go to school and it definitely does not attract quality faculty. Another issue that impacts the student severely is the lack of parent participation in the education process. This is crucial to the development of the child from a very early age; it is imperative that a parent be involved in preparing their child for life, as well as reinforcing things learned at school. Education starts at home and moves to the public arena where social interaction, behavior skills and knowledge are enhanced. Poor parent participation may be the result of work schedules, transportation issues, language barriers, or suitable clothing. Once again children from low- income families suffer the most. Both parents may have to work just to pay the bills, and in some situations there is just one parent, forcing some students to help care of siblings at after school when they should be focusing on homework or studying. As the child ages less attention will be paid to the individual as class size increases, the number of teachers increase with diverse classes, and overall s ize of the school grows. At this point the child will need extra help completing assignments and requiring encouragement to continue the education process consistently and for the duration through some college. The parent is not exempt from the learning process because of inadequacy or exempt because of poor education. As briefly mentioned earlier, in this setting the teaching staff is likely to be under qualified, once again this impacts the student. By the teaching staff not being qualified the type of skill the students will learn will not be up to par. Classroom Managers should also be aware of how they are engaging their students. They should have high expectations of all of their students. There seems to be a lot of racial stereotyping in minority communities. Teachers should know that all Asian students aren’t smart and that all African American students inferior learners. If teachers establish a high expectation of learning from all of their students and expect all of their students to do well then those expectations will be seen by the student. Students are then able to work at their highest potential and are not limited; a teacher should believe that all students are capable of learning at a higher level. The teacher of the 21st Century need to be more culturally responsible and they need to be more aware of what is going on in the classroom. Educators need to be trained in a way that is going to be more beneficial to the educational process as a whole. For example if a teacher has a classroom where the majority of the students are not being successful then that teacher and/ or teaching techniques should be reevaluated. The classroom is not a place where a student is just given work to perform and the teacher is detached, the classroom of the 21st century needs to be an interactive classroom where teachers and students comes together to share ideas, and engage each other in the learning process. Unless a Teacher can step out of the conventional box and begin to assess themselves and what they actually bring to the classroom, it will not evolve. Teachers should interact with students on a more personal level in the classroom and get to know their students as individuals; some children can get lost in the classroom for a number of reasons; including personal problems at home, and learning disabilities. By being involved more with the student’s teachers are better to adapt to a student that is having problems because they are unable to read well, or a student that is simply having problems seeing the board. Without establishing some type of a relationship with the children it is very hard for a teacher to recognize the problems students are having and how to effectively deal with these problems. Just because a student is unable to keep up with fashion, technology receives free lunch does not mean that this student does not have the ability or the will to learn. There are successful people that grew up in poverty, and have gained success through hard work and education. Everyone should have the same opportunity to receive quality education. Students are taught that education is the key to success, so how can one succeed when the education is not equal to their peers, the ones they will be competing against for their spot in the future. Education is the poor man’s dream to a better life. With minorities and Latinos making up a large amount of students in school the effects of inequitable opportunities has a larger impact on them. Students who come from an inferior social-economic level are just as motivated as students who come from a higher social class. You have Latinos who hardly speak English and are attending schools that are incapable of accommodating them; therefore they do not earn a degree and are forced to take a low paying job. â€Å"Status† may have an impact on a student in a social environment, but in the educational system this should not be a factor. The students from a lower social class are being prepared for failure, while the students from a higher social class are being prepared for success. In the 21st century I believe that inequitable opportunity is the most critical education problem. Recognizing the problem is the first step, however we as a society need to find solution on how to better level the playing field in the educational comm unity in order to make schools work for everyone. One thing we can to is to not only encourage proper funding for schools in low income areas but to also make sure that this funding get appropriated to do what is needed in order to make sure that the children have a proper learning environment. Bills and referendums continue to be passed in education s in order to make sure that schools are up to par but sometimes this money does not get to the prosper schools. Some schools get new buildings and a/c systems while other schools just get paint. We need to come together to demand to our elected officials that something be done about the conditions of certain schools. We need to make sure that these school schools have the materials that they need in order for them to produce successful students. Books need to be provided to every student not only in class but also at home as a reference for homework and studying. Computers need to be provided in these schools so that the students don’t fall behind on technology and become inferior to their peers. We elect these officials and we need to demand that they begin to look out for the betterment of our schools. We should go online and see how they are voting on the issues that affect us. If they are not pushing the type of educational reform that we need in our communities and in our school then we need to elect someone who will. Parents need to become more involved in their students learning. We must understand that a lot of parents are working, and most low income households are being led by a single parent; we need to find a way to get these parents involved to help their children so that they don’t continue to fall behind. Even if it’s just educating them on the process of following up with their elected officials and making sure they vote and their vote counted and is heard. Opening up the schools for parent participation and PTO and PTA meeting on a weekend rather than on a school night would make it easier for parents to become more involved. Also, schools could try social networking, and sending up dates to parents Facebook or Twitter pages to keep them up on what’s going on in the schools. This is a new era and the American household has changed and the educational sytem needs to keep up in order to keep these parents involved and up to date on what’s going in their child’s school. Teacher also need to be developed in the classroom and become more responsible for what is going on and have high expectations for all of their students. This will ensure that all student as are working to their best ability to learn. This can be done by giving existing teachers additional training and giving new teachers the training they need to be successful in the 21st century classroom.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Marriot and Body Shop Aims and Objectives Essay

introduction Marriot is an international brand however the purpose of this controlled assessment, they will be my local business known as London Heathrow Marriott-LHM. Marriott is currently a private limited company (PLC) and has two other private investors as owners of the company. The Marriott hotel was founded in 1993 and is located in Harlington, Hayes. Currently its labour turnover for the month of September (2010) is an increase of 10.1%. Marriott acquires approximately 133,000 employee’s world wide and between 8,000-9,000 employees in the UK. My other local business is The Body shop. The Body Shop is an international business Definition of Aims The long-term goals a business wants to achieve. Goals that a business wants to achieve to be successful. Explain what aims are Definition of objectives The specific steps taken by a business to achieve a goal Objectives have to S.M.A.R.T, this stands for: * Specific * Measurable * Achievable * Realistic * Time Marriott’s aims * Guest Satisfaction Superiority * Marriott Profitability & Owner Return on Investment * Associate Satisfaction Marriott’s objectives * GSS (Customer Target) 75% (satisfied with overall service) * Sales turnover of  £20m per annum * Labour turnover less than or equal to 25% Summarising Marriott’s aims and objectives Marriot have set themselves three aims that they hope to achieve. These three aims vary from making a profit on their investment to guest and employee satisfaction. Marriott’s first aim and objective focuses on customer satisfaction. They are going to meet this goal by being customer focused and meeting customer needs. To achieve this they will do everything in their power to keep their customers happy to give recommendations to other people and for them to keep coming back to their hotel. They need to deliver the â€Å"wow factor† by providing the best quality of service. They intend to meet this aim by encouraging their guests to complete a â€Å"Guest Satisfaction Survey†. To achieve their aim they need 75% of their customers to be satisfied. The management team reviews all these surveys to find out what they need to improve on to make the hotel and make it the best in the industry. They also focus on associate satisfaction which focuses on the employees. They are striving for labour turnover less than or equal to 25% therefore Marriott hope not to lose more than 1 in 4 of their employees. They aim to make employees satisfied by ensuring their staff is happy. They will achieve this aim by motivating their staff and rewarding them with staff benefits for example LHM offer â€Å"Valuable room rate, food and beverage, and retail discounts at global Marriott locations.† This gives the employees the feeling that Marriott cares about them. Also the amount of pay that is offered by Marriott is higher than most equivalent jobs. This makes the employees want to stay as they know that there is a very slim chance that they will find this amount of pay anywhere else, or they may not get the same amount of bonuses-motivating them to do better- The want the communication between the staff and Marriott management to be strong as this gives the employees the sense that they are involved within the business. Their third aim and objective focuses on Income and money made. Marriott want to make a profit and have a sales turnover of  £20m per annum. By doing this they will be able to maintain share prices and reward shareholders with dividends. Furthermore they will be able to do this by increasing sales revenue for this hotel. This has been set out by the management & senior Marriott personnel in the US. The will achieve this by providing the best quality of service. body shopAims * Leading business in the beauty industry * Fair trade * Protect human rights – customers and staff * Protect the Environment and planet body shop objectives * Continue to grow by maximizing sales * All our suppliers have signed the Code of conduct supporting ethical, fair trade program. * Improving working conditions for body shop employees and protecting their Human rights * Every product packaging is made from 100% recycled materials Summary of the body shop aims and objectives

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Negative Effects of Casinos

As stated in the â€Å"Harvard Mental Health Letter, pathological gambling has 0 symptoms, which include :†preoccupation with gambling, gambling with increased amounts of money, returns to gambling after losing money In order to recover the losses, and asking others for money to solve financial problems caused by gambling. † According to calendaring. Com, â€Å"about 2. 5 million adults in America are pathological gamblers and another 3 million of them should be considered problem gamblers, 15 million adults are at a risk for problem gambling and about 148 million are low-risk gamblers. There were many sociological and psychological tests done on the subject f casinos and gambling addictions; these tests support my final thought and opinion, that casinos will do more harm than help; although, I will show both views. They will cause many problems and may even cause a domino effect starting with personal problems, than expanding to sociological issues, and leading to gove rnmental tragedy. We will first look at the earliest effects of casinos which are the ones that effect Americans personally. When one enters a casino for their first time, they don't realize the trouble lurking closely behind them.Upon premature gambling problems, most addicts don't even realize there Is a problem. Herbert A. Bloch stated In The American Journal of Sociology. â€Å"Its danger Lies In the fact that It interferes with the normal assumption of responsibility which organized society compels. Simply implies that gambling most dangerous attack is the one in which impairs our Judgment of social and psychological norms to the point where we cannot make responsible decisions. Because of this, addictions may become larger and may bring on other addictions, such as alcohol and drug abuse.Casinos cause financial problems In many lives of Americans, which also leads back to drug ND substance abuse because people use these to cope with their problems. An example of the snare of addictions, which originate from the habit of gambling, would go hand and hand with a person who reads the literary work, The Lottery, by Shirley Jackson. In the story the reader has no idea of the horror involved with the lottery; they assume it to be a normal money type reward, until the devastating end of the story, when the winner Is to be stoned.It Is Important to heed warnings and place Limitations when going to a casino, because If a casual drinker can turn Into an alcoholic, a casual gambler can turn into a compulsive gambler. Scripturally gambling is wrong, and many Christians believe it isn't a godly thing to do because you may win some other person's money that they over spent and now have no bill or grocery money. In 1 Corinthians 8:13 it reads, â€Å"Wherefore, if meat cassette my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world standees, lest I make make my brother to offend. KAVA)† They also believe that It Is wrong to be a bad example to others, so If a Eternal or Tamely memoir NAS Ana a gambling problem In ten past, Its Test to not associate with that person in a casino so they will not have any temptation. Gambling significantly affects the finances of many Americans. Casinos bring in over 500 billion dollars a year as stated by calendaring. Com. Sometimes the gambler puts his/her addiction before what is really important in life, causing problems with work, friends, and even family.Spending budgeted money is a big issue within a family and causes problems, but an even bigger argument is the fact that the time used in gambling is being robbed from the people who truly deserve it, like children. MUSM Kayak states in an article on canticles. Mom, â€Å"the spending of money is not the only devastating affect that this can have on kids, they can also suffer from other kinds of abuse such as verbal, physical and emotional. As these people tend to suffer from an enormous amount of stress, which will effectively make them angrier and more anxious. The psychological effects of gambling cause problems within the family, which may potentially break it up either by divorce or child services. The stress put on the gambler can come on so strong, that they feel helpless. They feel like there is no way out of the trap that they are in and resort to suicide. Many studies are now being done on this subject, to see if the rise in suicide ratings has any correlation with the effects of casinos, though there are many cases that prove this to be true.A wider view of how casinos negatively affect Americans is by taking a look at the reactions within societies. A society is the bigger picture which is less personal, and more collective. We can view society as the people, areas and environments surrounding the casino. First, we see the amount of crime increase within and surrounding casinos. This has been proven recently in Bangor, Minneapolis, where he local paper â€Å"Bangor Daily News,† had an article stating, â€Å" In 2008, crime increased to 65. 07 per 1,000 and this year [2010], the rate eclipsed 70. The increase was due to a casino, and they came to this conclusion, because other areas near or surrounding Bangor, had decreasing crime rates. The main 5 crime rates that increased were homicide, domestic violence, robbery, forgery, and drugs. Prostitution is also a big factor around casinos. Murders and armed robberies happened more often in parking lots of casinos due to stalkers inside of the casino, that follow big winners. The crime helps with the dilapidation of neighborhoods, which is basically the deterioration of a community. Neighborhoods look run down, and are filled with litter.When this occurs, property values go down, homes become abandoned, drug propaganda elevates (also with the crime rates), and the neighborhood is considered to be, at all costs unsafe. Traffic elevates in areas that contain casinos causing higher averages of pollution. Gas franchisers increase the prices of ga s and fuel around casinos because of the guaranteed flow of traffic. Another bad result in society is an increased rate of accidents, hit and runs, and Duds; all caused by either anxiety, rage, or being under the influence of alcohol or a substance.The biggest view to see how casinos negatively affect America is to look at its government. Look and view how the economy is, in today's realm, and answer to yourself if casinos can help. With people using their paychecks at casinos, they fall deeper into debt. People these days want easy money, but gambling is an extremely risky way to retrieve it. Especially because people believe that they have a 50/50 chance at winning, when in reality (it has been proven) to actually be 60/40- 70/30 in en salons Tabor. Casino taxes are extremely sustainable, Delving at ten Nell rate AT 21. % back in 2008, nevertheless, we have yet to see improvement on roads and in schools, which are where the tax payers wish see the funds go the most. And while fund s have Just been mentioned, I must bring up the concern for loss of budgeting in many cases, by way of casinos. Because of crime, many more police officers are needed in the surrounding areas of the casino. Especially for the ones opened for 24 hrs. The funds used to pay for police officers come from federal and county funds, which could be used in more important fields. Unemployment rates have sky rocketed lately.And it has been true in many cases that unemployment money has been used within casinos, leaving families in need, bills unpaid, and debts accumulating and some even with interest. Sadly the unemployment rates continue to rise and extensions continue to be placed on many cases. Casinos are only hurting the financial of the addicted. Many families are also on welfare, due to the lack of money. And with the numbers of both unemployment and welfare rising, we can only expect our nation's economy to go into a bigger deficit. If anything, we should raise gambling taxes. It is t he right of an American to go to a casino.Most people who do go into a casino do not have a strong or addictive gambling problem. It is their individual decision which they are free to make. If humanity could not make decisions, we would have a world or society like the one in the literary work of Any Rand, Anthem, which states,† We are one in all and all in one. There are no men but only the great WE,One, indivisible and forever. (19)† Americans have many freedoms, it is possible for us to drink, to use medicine rugs, and even to gamble, but many Americans have proven that strength is needed when engaging in any of these.Just like the alcoholic starts off as a casual drinker, it is very possible for a casual gambler to become a pathological gambler. Casinos do provide Jobs for many Americans, but it robs the Americans that do have Jobs. The basic argument that faces us is freedom verses right/wrong. That is up to you as an individual to decide. To conclude, you have see n the negative effects that are overcoming many Americans. Many problems, in which are controllable, but even more importantly avoidable. The only way to actually avoid these problems would be to eliminate casinos all together.Fewer financial problems within the family, society, and government is a great plus; greener, cleaner neighborhoods with less traffic will help society; fewer men and women on unemployment and welfare, and less police needed in and around the casinos area will provide more money for our nation eliminating some devastating debt. I believe that the best option for America would be to prohibit the building of anymore casinos and to begin shutting down the ones that are open now, starting with the larger ones.